Math is hard

With the recent release of Helio numbers you see a lot of journalists trying to dissect what it all means. Ryan Kim of S.F. Gate sums it all up pretty well.

“Perhaps the bigger news is the money the company is generating from its growing user base. The company said it is generating monthly revenue in excess of $100 million a month and average revenue per user of about $100 a month, which is nearly twice what the big carriers are getting from their users.”

Read the whole thing, “Helio says its on track.

One Response to “Math is hard”

  1. PJ NH

    So the company is “generating monthly revenue in excess of $100 milion/month”? That will not last long, given the poverty of their customer service; the poor functioning telephones; the fees the company incurs from repeated customer calls to Customer Service/Tech Repair/Cancellations Departments/Corporate Offices; and FedEx costs for replacing phone after phone after phone – all within a matter of months. The company’s phone lines disconnect, the website fails, the phones are a disaster. The only reason they can claim their wide # of customers is due to their refusal to release folks from contracts. We’d read poor reviews from customers prior to purchase; we should have believed the complaints were more than sour grapes. Mr. Duarte, I would suggest you align yourself with a different company; surely your standards of integrity are better than this.

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